Getting Started With CTS

What is the CTS Ministry Expo?

The CTS Ministry Expo (often called “competition”) is the national element of this program provided by D6 Family Ministry that takes place at the Vertical Three Conference and allows students from across the country to participate in competitive activities as a fun way to encourage study and proficiency across many disciplines.

Each spring, thousands of students begin by participating at a local expo sponsored by either the district or state association of Free Will Baptists in their area. Those students who place first in their category (first or second in any Bible Category) at their district expo are able to move on to the state expo with the possibility of moving on to the national CTS Ministry Expo held every July.

Involvement in the national CTS Ministry Expo is not a requirement for participation in CTS but it does provide a wonderful outlet for those who are able to attend. Ask your CTS sponsor about information related to the V3 Conference or contact us at

All CTS Ministry Expo Entries are due May 20, 2025

6 Steps for Getting Started with CTS

Step 1

Download Getting Started Guide
(Click here)

Step 2

Order the CTS Digital Bundal (inclues the CTS Ministry Expo Guidelines & the CTS Bible Study Pack)

(Click here)

Step 3

Meet with students & parents

Step 4

Study. Practice. Repeat.

Step 5

Share with church and/or community

Step 6

Enter CTS Ministry Expo
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