Buck A Week
Missions OfferingBuck-A-Week is a fundraising initiative developed in cooperation with D6 Family Ministry, IM, Inc., and North American Ministries (NAM) challenging children, students, and adults to set aside $1 each week to support missions efforts throughout the Free Will Baptist denomination.
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Meet the Missionaries
Get to know the 2025 missionary recipients.
Buck A Week FAQ
What is Buck A Week?
Buck-A-Week is a fundraising initiative developed in cooperation with D6 Family Ministry, FWB International Missions, and North American Ministries challenging children, students, and adults to set aside $1 each week to support missions efforts throughout the Free Will Baptist denomination.
How are missionaries selected?
Each year, the Vertical Three staff partner with both FWB International Missions and FWB North American Ministries to select one missionary (or couple) from each agency to support through the Buck A Week offering.
Where does the money go?
One of the unique propositions of the Buck A Week Missions Offering is that it creatively supports both current missionaries as well as establishes a fund for continued giving in the future.
See below for a breakdown of the actual percentages, or take a look at our infographic to see exactly how Buck A Week works.
Annual Offering
75% – Deposited into the Buck A Week endowment
10% – Given directly to selected International Missionary fund
10% – Given directly to selected North American Missionary fund
5% – Set aside for supporting and promoting the Buck A Week offering
Dividends Earned
33% – Given directly to the selected International Missionary fund
33% – Given directly to the selected North American Missionary fund
33% – Designated as scholarship funds for college students studying missions